Hemp fabric has excellent properties: thermoregulating, breathable, antibacterial, resistant and durable. Washing it is also very easy and natural, but some small precautions must be taken in order to keep the quality of the fabric intact. In fact, washing textile hemp clothes requires much less water, energy and detergent than other fabrics, and does not release microplastics. And the great thing about washing hemp fabric several times? It becomes very soft, which makes it even more pleasant on the skin. Let's take a closer look at how you can care for your hemp textile clothes.

How to wash textile hemp clothes

To wash clothes made of hemp fabric, it is best to use cold water and a mild detergent such as bile soap. Alternatively, a mild all-purpose detergent can be used. In general, it is best to avoid harsh detergents and fabric softeners, which can prematurely wear out hemp clothes.

Avoid using bleach, absolutely, as it can damage the colour and lustre of hemp clothes. Finally, avoid using hot water on hemp clothes. Hot water can cause shrinkage and damage the fabric fibres. Instead, it is advisable to wash the garments in cold water, either by hand or in the washing machine (so ideally 30° degrees, although the garments can withstand higher temperatures). This is also an important advantage for the environment, as it saves energy, since hemp fabrics can also be washed in cold water. Finally, if possible, it is always best to avoid a strong spin cycle, as this could damage the hemp fabric.

Photos by Polina Tankilevitch, Pexels

Drying clothes made of hemp fabric

After washing clothes made of hemp fabric, it is necessary to dry them carefully so that they stay in good shape. First, they must be laid flat to dry. Also avoid hanging them up while drying, as this may stretch the fabric and cause wrinkles. Ideally, avoid direct sunlight when drying hemp cloths, especially if they are coloured. Hemp is very sensitive to colours, so it often does not take them on properly and tends to become lighter. However, if the weather is cold, it may be necessary to put the clothes in the dryer to complete the drying process. It is also possible to dry clothes at a lower temperature or with the special programme for delicate garments to avoid heat damage in the dryer. It is a good idea to check the garments after drying to ensure that they are still in good condition. If you notice stains or damage, it is best to wash them again before wearing them again.

Another alternative is to hang your hemp garments outdoors, as hemp being a natural fibre regenerates and thus cleans itself with air. This process also does not risk shrinking or shrinking the fabric.

Storing clothes made of hemp fabric

Should it happen that you do not wear hemp clothes for an extended period of time, you must store them properly to prevent damage. It is important to store them in a dry place, out of direct sunlight and out of reach of children. The wardrobe is an ideal place to store hemp garments because it is usually cool and dark. To protect the garments from damage and keep them tidy, you can also use special hangers for storing delicate fabrics.

When storing clothes in drawers or other containers, it is good to separate them into categories so that they are easy to find when needed. It is also useful to check the labels on clothes to make sure they have not been damaged or soiled and that they still fit. This will help to identify any clothes that need further care, so that they can be taken care of immediately.

Photos by Victoria Akvarel, Pexels

How to iron hemp clothes

The 100% hemp textile is very similar to linen, so it tends to wrinkle easily. It can be ironed using an iron, but it is always important to take care that it is not too hot!


Taking care of textile hemp clothes is very easy, however, we need to change our habits a little, because as our society is a major consumer of cotton, which requires washing at 60° degrees but to disinfect even at 90° degrees, we are not used to feeling clean by using little detergent and washing clothes at 30° degrees. However, before applying any advice, I would ask you to read the label inside carefully, to make sure you can enjoy your hemp clothing for a long time!


[F1] Photo by Polina Tankilevitch, Pexels