Nowadays, the fashion world is based on the principles of fast fashion. We are surrounded by so many shops and e-commerce sites that offer us a wide choice of clothes, accessories, styles and more. It only takes us a single click to get our favourite piece of clothing at home. Moreover, fast-fashion and especially ultra fast fashion, has influenced our thinking towards a 'disposable' principle, i.e. a dress to be worn for one occasion, only to be immediately replaced for other clothes.

This phenomenon, however, can have serious consequences, not only on our finances, but also on our environment. Numerous scientific studies have affirmed, in fact, how the large clothing industries result in the creation of enormous pollution and waste, and the over-consumption of raw materials and products does nothing but damage our ecosystem, which suffers greatly. Therefore, it is good to try to turn the world around and consider a different approach to the world of fashion and the way we live it every day. The most functional and efficient method is the creation of a wardrobe with clothing capsules.

Capsule collection: how it was born and how it works

The term 'clothing capsule' or more simply, borrowing the English term 'capsule collection' indicates a wardrobe consisting of a limited and precise number of garments to be worn. In particular, capsule collections are distinguished by the main presence of basic garments and products, i.e. clothes, very often in solid or fairly neutral colours, which can act as 'staple pieces', i.e. key elements, and be combined with each other in different combinations.

This choice makes it possible to have a more limited number of garments, which can create different types of outfits and combinations, without spending too much money or accumulating excess garments. The capsule collection is often made up of branded or high quality garments and products, so as to have clothes that can be long-lasting and worn for a long time and frequently, without being ruined.

Moreover, owning a capsule collection also includes a not inconsiderable ethical commitment, which influences our choice of garments. In fact, when we choose to build clothing capsules, we are making a choice against the principles of fast fashion, in order to move towards a more sustainable and ecologically conscious concept of fashion. It is for this reason that, very often, capsule collections are composed of garments from smaller, more experienced brands, but above all composed of more ecologically sustainable materials, such as hemp.

Capsule collection: how to create a more sustainable wardrobe

Creating a capsule collection is a really simple process, as it requires a few simple steps and rules to follow. In particular, there are no precise dictates that must be followed to the letter in order to achieve a perfect capsule wardrobe: one of the key points of a wardrobe like this is to create a wardrobe tailored to you and your needs. Consequently, the important thing is not to have as few clothes as possible or in line with a certain fashion code, but to have a well-selected wardrobe made up of clothes that are durable and usable as much as possible, that make you feel good about yourself.

Here are some tips for creating a small capsule wardrobe:

‍Find your style: unique, timeless and sustainable

Although everyone is free to choose and use the style he or she prefers on a daily basis, finding a single style in which you recognise yourself and find yourself at your best is very helpful in making a capsule collection. By keeping a more precise style in mind, it will be easier to buy a few items of clothing that fit your daily life and, above all, are cohesive with each other.

One for each type

‍Another very useful tip to consider when building a clothing capsule is not to buy so many different variants of one type of garment. Thanks to the world of fast-fashion, we are used to always wanting to buy different types of t-shirts or trousers, with different logos or patterns. Instead, the concept behind the capsule collection is the considered choice of one element or a few more than one type of garment. For example, a simple capsule collection contains two/three pairs of trousers, one pair of skirts, three shirts or T-shirts and so on. In this way, it will be easier to choose what to wear and remember each individual item in our wardrobe.

Find your colour palette

‍The choice of colours for your clothing is essential in building a clothing capsule. Once you learn which colours can best match your outward appearance or style, it is much easier to create a colour palette that you can use in everyday life. Following a colour scheme that is close to each other also makes it easier to use the garments every day, as they will complement each other and thus be easier to match.

Back to basic and classic‍

Choosing garments that can have simple and traditional lines can greatly help the creation of a capsule wardrobe. In particular, it is essential to have garments in one's wardrobe that can be considered as basics, without too many distracting details or modifications. The choice of basic garments is of great help in the creation of outfits, as they can be combined and reused much more often than more structured garments. This rule also applies to colours: although it is nice to be able to have garments in the most unusual colours and textures, choosing garments in basic and standard colours can be extremely helpful, as they will be much easier to combine with several different outfits.

Capsules and mini-capsules‍

As has been said before, the capsule collection must be tailor-made for you. This means that it should not blindly follow the rules you find online, but adapt to your needs. For example, if you feel you need a particular type of wardrobe for work, leisure or for seasonal changes, you should not feel compelled to follow sterile rules. Instead, you can create mini-capsules within your clothing capsule, one for each environment of your daily life and for each of your needs.

Quality versus Quantity

The fact that we have a limited number of items of clothing to use much more often than we have been used to from fast-fashion leads us to choose what we buy much more carefully. Consequently, the idea of using high-quality clothing that can withstand the passage of time becomes increasingly important. Look carefully for brands that create quality products that can last against wear and tear and exposure to the passing of time. This can be a small investment, which will give you the opportunity to save much more in the long run, in terms of time, space and also from a monetary point of view.

Enter the world of slow fashion‍

A great way to get great quality clothes is to rely on the world of slow fashion. Look for clothes through different avenues than the fast-fashion of the bigger brands. A good opportunity can be to rely on the world of vintage, looking for reused garments that can withstand the passage of time. Another great opportunity is also looking for clothes that are made from more durable and environmentally conscious fabrics, such as hemp. There are so many options nowadays: simply enter the world of slow fashion and slowly, all roads will open up before you.

Less is more: give your clothes meaning

One of the many positive sides of creating a capsule collection is that, little by little, your clothes will no longer be mere garments, but will acquire an important emotional significance. Also because of this, you will not have to buy everything from scratch and create a new wardrobe from scratch, but you can already work with what you have. Carefully analyse each piece of clothing you own and try to ask yourself a few questions: Do I wear this dress often? Does it look good on me? Does it bring back good memories or make me feel comfortable in any situation? With the help of these tips, you will only be able to leave outfits in your wardrobe that are one hundred per cent tailored to you and that you will be sure to wear and make the most of.

Creating a capsule collection is a very important process from an emotional point of view, as it does not stop at simply choosing clothes, but represents a first part of a very important personal growth. Not only will it bring you closer to the world of slow-fashion, but it will make you much more aware of the world of clothing production and a calmer, more ecologically conscious lifestyle.


[F1] Clothes, Priscilla Du Preez, Unsplash

[F2] Jackets, Amanda Vick, Unsplash

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